Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast

S2 EP 58: David Gibson PhD FRSB, Author Interview

Season 2 Episode 58

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Hello Happy People,

In today's episode, Dianne chats with Dr. David J Gibson. Gibson is a professor of botany at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He holds a PhD in Plant Biology and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB).

Dr. Gibson has years of field research in botany and has written a number of books mostly focusing grasslands and ecology. However, his most recent work focuses on the forensic study of plants as a means to murder and an aid in investigations in fiction and actual criminal cases.

Dianne talks with him about his new book, Planting Clues: How Plants Solve Crimes, which is available now at booksellers.  He is an incredible wealth of knowledge about forensic botany and where to find a decent pint in Illinois.

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